Technical support to the DIPROMAD of the MEPSP through the implementation of the Roadmap for the Improvement of Teaching and Learning in Mathematics in Primary

The purpose of the consultancy was to assist the Department of School Programs and Teaching Materials (DIPROMAD) of the Ministry of Primary, Secondary and Vocational Education (MEPSP) in the implementation and monitoring of reforms related to the quality of primary education as identified in the Interim Education Plan, through support for the implementation of the roadmap for improving teaching and learning in mathematics

Study for the improvement of the quality of primary education in Life Skills (CVC) as well as in the implementation of the reform of teaching and learning in reading / writing in primary school

The purpose of the consultancy was to assist the Department of School Programs and Teaching Materials (DIPROMAD) of the Ministry of Primary, Secondary and Vocational Education (MEPSP) in the implementation and monitoring of reforms related to the quality of primary education as identified in the Interim Education Plan, through the integration of life skills in primary education programs and support for the implementation of the roadmap for improved education and learning to read/write in primary school.

Training of trainers for the continuing education program within the Ministry of Mines – PROMINES

Facing significant weaknesses in terms of competent human potential, the Congolese Ministry of Mines sees its limited productivity and requires the strengthening of its human capital. The CIDE was thus mandated to support the Ministry of Mines in the recruitment of candidates meeting the profile of trainers sought and to train them with a view to providing the continuous training program of the Ministry of Mines for the period 2017-2018.
